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The GDPR has two types of processors of personal data: the controller and the processor. BasicCloud is active in both roles:
– Processor responsible: BasicCloud is responsible for the personal data you share when you purchase a product, so we can stay in touch with you, facilitate your payments, etc. In this case, we are responsible for securing your personal data and ensuring your privacy. For this purpose, we have drawn up a privacy and cookie statement.
– Processor: BasicCloud is a processor for the data you share with us in our products, for example through web hosting and email. For these services, you are the processor responsible. This means that you are responsible for the data that visitors to your website leave behind in a contact form and other personal data that your customers leave with you. As a processor responsible, you are required to make agreements with all processors with whom you work. More on this below.
BasicCloud Platform as a Service for enterprises, developers and start-ups
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