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Service Level Agreement

Updated: 01-01-2022

BasicCloud strives to maintain support response times as fast as possible for all technical issues which are reported through BasicCloud’s customer support. BasicCloud monitors all infrastructure and core services 24×7 and provides 9×5 customer support from 9am to 6pm CET as part of the standard cloud platform services. 24×7 customer support and monitoring of customer environments are not included in the standard cloud platform services but are available as a service add-ons.

All of our customers have access to customer support in any of the following ways:

Website: https://www.basiccloud.nl/contact/;
Email: support@basiccloud.nl;
Phone: +31 85 0606640.

Priority levels and response times

All support tickets reported through Our customer support are assigned a priority level from 1 to 3 based on the impact on Your business. Priority levels may be changed after initial contact and assessment of the ticket made by our support engineers. The following defines the priority levels and the targeted initial response times. Please keep in mind to clearly explain the business impact of your ticket when contacting our support engineers.

Level 1 – Urgent – business critical impact

30 minutes maximum response time.

Customer’s production environment is stopped or otherwise impacted in such severe manner that the customer or its commercial end users cannot reasonably continue to work. Customer cannot resolve the issue on his or her own.

Priority level 1 issues may have the following characteristics:

System hang or crash situations; Data loss or data corruption; Critical functionality not available.

For priority level 1 issues, BasicCloud will begin work on the issue within 30 minutes of notification and will continue to process with top priority until the customer is given a fix or workaround, or the level of the ticket is being downgraded. Customer resources must be made available in priority level 1 situations and customer will reasonably cooperate with BasicCloud to resolve issue.

Level 2 – High – significant business impact

1 hour maximum response time. Important product features are unavailable with no acceptable workaround. Customer or customer’s end users production service on a primary production environment are functioning with limited capabilities or are unstable with periodic interruptions. The software may be operating but is severely restricted. Priority Level 2 issues may have the following characteristics: Product error or failure forcing a restart or recovery; Severely degraded performance; Functionality unavailable but the system is able to operate in a restricted fashion.

Level 3 – Normal – minimal business impact

8 hours maximum response time.

Priority Level 3 issues may have the following characteristics:

Error message with workaround;
Minimal performance degradation;
Incorrect product behaviour with minor impact;
Questions on product functionality or configuration;
General requests for advice on product usage;
Clarification on product documentation or release notes;
Product enhancement requests.

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